Please enjoy Chapter 30. I'm really proud of how the White Queen of Sarnia turned out.
Click image to enlarge.
I think I'm the last to hear that they are making a remake of Robocop. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I guess I shouldn't really be that surprised though. It's a prime target for sci-fi movies to be remade with way too much mind-blowing CGI.
I'm still waiting for a decent remake of Flash Gordon... or Buck Rogers. Or Commander Cody! Or Space Patrol!
Today, on my way to work, I walked passed a kid wearing a Darth Vader helmut. He was four years old at most. Must have been hot in there.
It will probably happen in my lifetime; someone's going to remake Star Wars. Sigh. That'll probably happen before I get to see the Space Patrol remake.
I'm such a downer today.
Have a good day.