Saturday, June 15, 2013

Metropolis - Chapter 30

UPDATE: I apologize.  The web version of Chapter 30 was originally posted with panel #1 of Chapter 29.  This must have been very confusing.  It is now corrected.  The F.Y.O.C. version was unaffected.  Thank you for your continued support.


Please enjoy Chapter 30.  I'm really proud of how the White Queen of Sarnia turned out.

Click image to enlarge.

Download the F.Y.O.C. version here.

I think I'm the last to hear that they are making a remake of Robocop.  I'm not sure how I feel about that.  I guess I shouldn't really be that surprised though.  It's a prime target for sci-fi movies to be remade with way too much mind-blowing CGI.

I'm still waiting for a decent remake of Flash Gordon... or Buck Rogers.  Or Commander Cody!  Or Space Patrol!

Today, on my way to work, I walked passed a kid wearing a Darth Vader helmut.  He was four years old at most.  Must have been hot in there.

It will probably happen in my lifetime; someone's going to remake Star Wars.  Sigh.  That'll probably happen before I get to see the Space Patrol remake.

I'm such a downer today.

Have a good day.
